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I Miss My Monthly HOG Magazine...on Paper!

By: Ivan Rodriguez

Remember when you brought your Harley, you would not only get a warranty but a 12 month subscription top HOG (Harley Owners Group) Magazine with all sorts of cool articles talking about the brand and sharing info about bikes from ordinary people just like you.

Well with the launch of the new H-D CEO, he has decided that a new digital version will be a better way to distribute the magazine and its contents to the riders. It also had a tittle change to "The Enthusiast" which was well.... different ...but digestible.

I unfortunately received only one paper copy of this new magazine and from there on, they went totally digital and I have to download.

I don't know about you, but I love to flip through magazine pages and choose what I want to read when I want to. It's the same as reading a newspaper, why do I want to download it!

Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you.

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